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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Член: coach sandal an event - 21/12/2010 09:04

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staying behind the cyclist 'til you can pass safely is not actually going to make you late beats by dre(the only major exception I can think of would be traveling uphill on a narrow, curvy mountain road, where passing is almost never possible anyway -- that's a situation where I'd find myself a spot to pull off and let a car by, though). The human mind iscoach sandals outlet wired to recall events, rather than non-events. Passing a cyclist who has spotted you quite a while ago and moved over to give you room is, to most people, a non-event, whereas having to wait a little while to pass one who either can't move over immediately constitutes an event. p90x Thus, it's easy to think that the only time a cyclist sees you, a driver, behind him is when he's 'impeding' traffic. For the record, you might also want to look at some of the legal definitions involved -- since it's rare for a car to spend more than half a minute behind a coach handbagsbike before being able to pass, the 'impeding' accusation rarely really applies. Until I learned about this particular even/non-event factor in the retention of memory, it used to upset me that drivers only remembered the unfortunate episodes and judged all cyclists by them. Now, I just think it's an argument for better road design and maintenance :) After all, the vast majority of beats by drecyclists have jobs, and most of us also have (and drive) cars, as well -- in other words, we're paying for the roads, too, and should be willing to speak up for ourselves where road design is concerned. It's difficult to believe that abuses like this still occur, but the U.S. is a big country and certainly has its share of moronic police officers. When I ride the rural roads of NH, I coach purses outletalways give a friendly wave when I pass a cop cruiser, and thankfully have never had to put up with BS like Tony and Ryan. I don't think that stopping when a copcoach indicates suggests that we are giving up our rights to the road. There are many reasons why a cop might want to have a word with you. Last year, a local cop driving by slowed down and motionedcoach sandal for me to approach. He asked if I had seen an elderly woman walking along the road looking lost or disoriented, since someone had called it in. I think that if a cop stops you and suggests something ridiculous, like bikes not being p90xallowed on the road, you should politely but firmly express your belief that you have as much right to the road as any motorist. Arguing loudly with a cop or ignoring them will only escalate the situation. I think that this column should identify by name the deputy who acted so belligerently and unprofessionally. If this were a newspaper story,coach sandals online you'd see the name, so polite discretion-- as seen here-- is unnecessary and unwarranted. Outing the idiot would be but the slightest of nods to justice. I've read these comments and find it odd that most comments refer to "Police" not the officercoach handbag himself. I'm a cop and proud of it. Not many folks envy my job but always want to hear the stories. When off duty and people find out what I do, I've had people shake my hand thanking me and I've had others turn away just because of my profession. I'm not justifyingcoach sandals sale what this patricular officer did or did not do. From reading this article, I side with the cyclists but I know there is more to the story. My problem is, from a cops perspective, the public seems to judge the uniform more than thecoach sandals person wearing it. You don't know the officer in the uniform and you many not have the chance to get to know him/her, which is too bad. My fellow officers are male, female, transgender, black, white,
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Член: were coach sandals online - 21/12/2010 09:07

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coach purses outletispanic, and whatever else, but we all get judged the same. I deal with drug addicts, prostitutes, child molesters, burglars, robbers, and just plaincoach sandal jerks. But what I have learned is I don't judge someone because they're a drug addict, I judge them on how they treat me and how they present themselves. I've found, that just because a person uses drugs, steals or carries a gun...that in itself does not make them bad, but bad a making good decisions. Cops are people...if they were a jerk before they were a cop, then they'll be a jerk as a beats by drecop. I was nice before and still am. We are trained to take control and last I checked, that's why people call us, because things are out of control. I took the job to help people and I You may not always like how the police handle things but you're not us. I always tell people, if you think you can do better then go be a cop and see what it's like...We'd love to have ya! And yes if I tell you stop, stop. Even if I am wrong, just do as I ask so I can find out I amp90x wrong. There are thousands of laws and I can't remember them all (I try). I've let several folks go when I found I was in error...but have taken more to jail who said I was wrong when I wasn't. We pride ourselves on being right and trying to do the right thing. Don't stop because I have a gun, just stop so I can do my job in the safest way possible. After all we are people just like you and we can make mistakes. coach sandalsThe problem is when someone doesn't listen to us and fails to obey orders, things can escalate which we don't want, then we do take control because we need to. How would you feel if a cop showed up and was scared to do something or take control? We've all had bad experiences with doctors,beats by dre teachers and gas station attendants but we don't assume that all people in any profession are bad. Why do it to cops? I like riding bikes, motorcycles and what ever else that's fun. I have a hundred stories of crappy cyclists but I don't think all cyclists are bad. Just try and do the same to sandals sale These words from police office "rushinrader" are disturbing: " Even if I am wrong, just do as I ask so I can find out I am wrong. There are thousands of laws and I can't remember them all (I try). I've let several folks go when I found I was in error...but have taken more to jail who said I was wrong when I wasn't."p90x I, for one, think police should take detaining someone, even in a "routine" traffic stop, MUCH more seriously than these words indicate. A police officer should pull someone over only when he KNOWS FORcoach sandals online A FACT that the behavior he observed is illegal. I understand police make mistakes. But if the officer has any doubt about whether the behavior in question is unlawful, he should NOT be pulling that person over! If you don't know what specific statute (if any) is being violated, it can't be that serious. coach handbagsLet it go. Err on the side of presumed innocence. When you have the time, review the law, make sure the behavior is illegal, understand why, and then next time you see someone doing that, you can confidently and justifiably pull them sandals outlet After you've pulled someone over for doing something is an unacceptable time to learn that that something is perfectly lawful. This idea of pulling someone over because the officer does not like what that someone is doing, and then after the fact searching for something to charge the someone with, is coach handbagoutrageous and totally backwards, not to mention unprofessional. " He said that we were in violation of the law using the parking lot to go around his car." WTF? he is ticket
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Член: harangue me about coach - 21/12/2010 09:09

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ing someone else and doesn't like the fact you go by him in a parking lot? Do they have a "law" for every single circumstance? I bet he was just upset you went somewhere he was not p90xexpecting anyone. Bet no such "law" exists, anywhere. BTW, I've gone past cops giving out tickets, I was on the side walk. Never had a problem. The guy was full of it. Excellent reason to get a video camera on the bike. And maybe a voice recorder! Amazing what the police will do when they think they can just lie about their actions. Even if it is just a minor stop it could help you out. I had p90xan off-duty cop from another jurisdiction pull me over once and then harangue me about how I am a dangerous rider - justcoach sandals sale because I did not put my foot down at a stop sign. I actually stopped, just didn't put a foot down. In fact, I stopped more completely than 99% of the car drivers who just roll through stop signs. anyway, he pulled over hard in front of me and thencoach purses outlet jumped out and tried to tell me all this stuff. When he told me he was sorry he was from a different jurisdiction so could not ticket me I just clammed up and let him go on his tirade. When he was done I just said "you done?" And rode away. He tried to follow me but I cut beats by drethrough several parking lots with fences that would not allow him to follow. At that point I just considered him a criminal stalker. A video would have been great insurance to have on by dre As a criminal defense attorney, my experience defending more than one obstructing charge is that, if the officer tells you to stop, you better stop. If you don't, you could end up with an obstructing charge. The advice in coach sandalthe article that "if the order is unlawful, the cyclist is not required to obey the order, and can't be arrested for failure to comply" is just plain wrong. If you disobey a police order -- even where the order is unlawful -- your ass is coach handbagsgetting arrested. Sure, it might be sorted out later and the charges *may* be dismissed, but is it worth going to jail for the night or however long it takes to post bail? No. Just stop. The officer can be the biggest dumbass on the planet, but again, that's something to sort out later. If the officer here had been our coach sandalsfriendly neighborhood cop Johannes Mehserle who claims he confused his taser and his gun, these poor cyclists would be dead, not just dismayed. As just one example of an illegal stop that escalates to legit criminal charges, see People v. Thomas, 198 Ill. 2d 103; 759 N.E.2d 899 (2001). There, Mr. Thomas was riding his bicycle coach handbagwhile carrying a police scanner. An officer tried to stop Mr. Thomas and Mr. Thomas fled. Eventually, officers caught up w/Mr. Thomas and arrested him. They found drugs and he was convicted of possession w/intent. On appeal, the Illinois Supreme Court found that, although the officer's initial order for Mr. Thomas coach sandals onlineto stop was not legal (b/c the officer lacked any reasonable suspicion that Mr. Thomas was engaged in illegal activity), the subsequent seizure of Mr. Thomas was legal because he fled and was seized after flight. The flight became a legitimate (legal, constitutional) reason for the seizure. Following that logic, in the case of our cyclistscoach here, even though the officers initial orders for them to stop were ambiguous and clearly illegal, a court could have found that the subsequent actions amounted to resisting, obstructing, or some other criminal act. They're lucky the prosecutor didn't think of adding such charges or they might have been in a different position. coach sandals outlet As far as I'm concerned police have far too much authority in ou
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Член: coach sandals outlet also - 21/12/2010 09:12

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society, but that's exactly why you better stop if an officer tells you to. Stop, cooperate, coach purses outletand figure out the legality of it all later. You're blog entry header says it all. When the cop says stop.... you stop. This was the choice I made recently even though I knew the cop was being a hardass. I'm an avid road cyclist and I also have a tandem that my wife and I use. We're ridden as a team from LA to San Diego and logged a lotp90x of road miles around our AZ home. One Sunday morning, we were riding down a major roadway in the bike lane and noticed that a police car with lights blinking was parked ahead blocking the bike lane as he wascoach sandals outlet ticketing a driver. A quick check behind revealed several cars approaching from behind so taking the safe route, I pulled in a driveway to the right before coach sandalswe got to the police car. The drive was an entrance to a large empty parking lot of a closed business - we essentially went around the car to the right, safely skirting traffic. We beats by dreentered the roadway again ahead of the police car using a second driveway to the parking lot. We were quite surprised when 5 minutes later the same police car was behind us asking us to pull over. My initial reaction was coach sandals sale"really!?!? don't you have BAD guys to find?" I had a feeling the reason for the stop was that he didn't like my safety maneuver, which proved to be the case. He said that we were in violation of the law using the parking lot to go around his car. I explained in a polite manner that I took the lesser of two evils not wanting to take the chance of being hit frombeats by dre behind outside the bike lane (which was the case recently when a woman tried to go around a stopped landscaping truck and was hit and badly injured). He stuck to his point again and I had the choice of being an asshole and coachasking him what he'd think if it was his kid riding the bike and taking the same tach. This was obviously the wrong way to go so I avoided it. I'm not sure if he or I was right in this case, but I did the safest thing possible in this circumstance for my wife and I and would do it again 100 out of 100 times no matter what the law said. The moral of the story is I chose to bite my tongue, say yes sir, get my warning p90xand move on. I feel for cops and would never want their job, however, there are bad elements on many city's police forces that employ people who should NEVER be police officers. Whenever I am stopped in a car or on a bike, I'm polite, do what is asked and don't try to push the river, it's not worth sandals online As a cop and a cyclist I'd like to add my 2-cents. In short, I can tell that there are credibility problems with the officer's report & statements. For example, they are on $5000(+)? bikes, out of the saddle and only doing 5-8 mph? Unless they were going up a 15%coach handbags grade I already have problems with this. There's more but ... Second, this is the classical case of a "pissing contest." If the officer is "wrong" you can go with it and deal with the situation through the proper P.D. chain of command or you can politely (without sounding arrogant) explain your rationale and substantiate it with the law/ legal decisions. Before I became an officer coach sandalI worked at a gun-range in ultra-liberal CA. As a result I carried my gun to and from work in a locked container with the ammunition locked in a different container. Believe it or not, a lot of officers I talked to had no idea that coach handbagthis was legal. To avoid being arrested (or shot) in the event I was pulled over I also copied a page of the penal code section 12026.1 that specified that this was legal. While
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